Keywords: food identity, authenticity, bread baking, craft bread, bakery


Food is an integral part of our personality, which is shaped by various factors such as our social and physical environment. Our individual food choices are influenced by the foods that are grown or sold in our geographic regions, the foods that our ancestors consumed, and our friends and family consume. National values, cultural heritage and social trends also play an important role in shaping food preferences. The layers of our identity contribute to the unique meaning of food and together create a food culture. Understanding food culture requires examining our own perspectives to utilize personal, societal, and cultural values, assumptions, norms, and biases. The purpose of the article is to analyze the concept of food identity, ethnicity and food authenticity, to determine the role of bread as an important aspect of national culture and Ukrainian food identity. Authentic Ukrainian cuisine is characterized by the use of local ingredients, traditional cooking techniques and a variety of dishes that reflect the history, geography and cultural heritage of the country. Undoubtedly, bread as a product is one of the main sources of nutrition for many people around the world. It plays a key role in nutrition and has a long history in different cultures. It is interesting that in different countries, bread can have different shapes, tastes and methods of preparation, which reflects the cultural and traditional features of these peoples. It is noted that bread culture is of great importance in Ukraine, especially considering the diversity of these products.Traditional dishes made from flour, grains and cereals are often used during family celebrations and religious ceremonies. This shows the importance of bread in Ukrainian culture. The article analyzes authentic bread-making traditions of some regions of Ukraine, highlights important modern trends in the segment of bread production. Today, restaurants, small and craft bakeries are working on diversifying recipes, types and forms of bread, studying and reviving the ancient traditions of Ukrainian bread-making, practicing and popularizing the production of artisanal, home-made, rural bread.


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How to Cite
Cherevychna, N., Seredenko, V., & Hrin, N. (2024). CRAFT BAKING BREAD AS AN ASPECT OF UKRAINIAN FOOD IDENTITY. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (13), 33-37.