Keywords: tourism, innovations, technologies, World Tourism Organization, startups


In today's conditions, questions regarding the definition of approaches, tools and sources of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine are gaining considerable relevance. The economic revitalization plan should become the largest project of modernization of the domestic economy and reconstruction of destroyed infrastructural facilities, which involves attracting financial resources, substantiating the parameters of investment projects on the basis of modern trends in the development of the world economy. The experience of many countries shows that the field of tourism, subject to the implementation of certain transformations at both the central and regional levels, is one of those branches of the service sector that ensures rapid recovery and growth. The key to the success of this variant of the development of events is the introduction of innovative technologies in tourism in order to ensure high quality of service to travelers, an appropriate level of safety and comfort. The introduction of modern innovative and affordable technologies followed by their rational use in practical activities is a priority task of the tourism sector, and the tourism sector itself is an excellent space for the application and adaptation of innovative technologies in order to overcome existing challenges and threats. Today, the innovative model in tourism is understood as a set of interdependent and complementary elements, the main of which are: the system of production of scientific knowledge and innovations, the system of commercialization of scientific knowledge and innovations, the system of management and regulation of innovative development. The success of the implementation of an innovative model of the development of the tourism sector depends entirely on the harmonious and complex interrelationship of all the above-mentioned components. The leading place in the system of development and introduction of innovative technologies in the field of tourism is occupied by the World Tourism Organization. The degree of innovative development of the tourism industry is determined by such factors as market conditions, the level of education and qualifications of personnel, the development of infrastructure and the level of interaction between central and local authorities, as well as the business community of tourism and related industries. It is on these issues that UNWTO's recommendations on overcoming modern challenges and threats in the field of tourism are focused.


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How to Cite
Zhurba, I., Nestorishen, I., & Matyukh, S. (2022). INITIATIVES OF THE WORLD TOURISM ORGANIZATION TO STIMULATE INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN TOURISM. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (5), 60-64.