Keywords: tourism, quality, management, quality management system, tourist enterprise


The article discusses the features and main characteristics of quality management in a tourist enterprise. The essence of the concept of quality and its types is investigated. The specifics of quality management in the tourism industry is generally considered. It is established that the general concept of quality in a tourist enterprise is usually approved in the needs of the client, and therefore a tourist enterprise should provide services or products in accordance with the demand of the consumer. It is proved that in order to ensure a high level of quality management of a tourist enterprise in the context of competition and diversification of the proposed services, a tourist enterprise should be reoriented to the use of international standards. It is established that the tourist enterprise in the implementation of its activities is important not only to ensure the necessary level of service and the ability to satisfy the needs of customers, as well as to develop a self-regulatory system for improving the qualitative characteristics of business processes. The quality management of tourism services is considered by specialists as managerial activity in the context of dynamic demand and changes in the market environment, which provides for determining the requirements for the quality of service, evaluating and controlling quality parameters, developing measures to improve the quality of the tourism product at each stage of formation and sale. In the process of quality management at a tourist enterprise, an important element is to ensure the systematic and organic interaction of each of the subsystems at each stage of control. The introduction of an effective quality management system at a tourist enterprise cannot be performed without taking into account the influence of qualified personnel on improving the quality of customer service, tourist agents and counterparties. In our opinion, the key to the implementation process is the formation of high-quality groups, the purpose of which is to take into account the point of view of personnel in the process of solving strategic problems to improve the quality of a tourist enterprise. The effectiveness of the implementation of tasks for the introduction of quality management at a tourist enterprise should be a criterion for the scientific management process, which will establish the level of knowledge and use in practice the laws of quality management.


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How to Cite
Bezuhla, L., Pylypenko, H., & Bondarenko, L. (2022). QUALITY MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION IN THE TOURIST ENTERPRISE. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (5), 33-38. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-4949.1(5).2022.6