Keywords: wine, grape varieties, wine industry, craft wines, organic wines, terroir, PetNat


Ukraine is a country with a distinguished history, as well as a rich cultural heritage. One such component of Ukraine's cultural heritage is winemaking, which has been a known practice in the country since ancient times. Ukrainian wine has become a source of national pride. In addition to powerful wineries that possess approximately one thousand hectares of their own vineyards, smaller wineries are also being established. These smaller wineries contribute to the development of the culture of wine consumption and production in Ukraine by producing wines created by individual winemakers, holding wine tastings, and organizing wine festivals. This article examines the principal wine-producing regions of Ukraine and the most prevalent grape varieties cultivated there. In Ukraine these include Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Riesling, Aligote, Muscat, Bastardo Magaratsky, Pinot, Odesa Black, and others. The following article describes a number of small wineries, each of which produces its own original wines. Such wines are consequently emerging as new and prominent elements on the Ukrainian wine map. Previously, the process of establishing a winery in Ukraine was arduous and costly, necessitating the acquisition of nearly 160 permits. However, recent reforms have streamlined this procedure, reducing the time and financial burden associated with starting a winery in Ukraine. The new regulations have facilitated the expansion of the craft wine market in several regions, including Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathia, Mykolaiv, Cherkasy, and Kyiv. Each of these wineries has its own unique grape varieties and production styles. The wine industry brings together the objectives and interests of Ukrainian winemakers, as the distinctive feature of this specialized type of tourism is tasting, consumption and purchase directly from producer. Ukrainian producers utilize different grape varieties, including internationally renowned ones and distinctive local varieties as well. Craft wine is wine produced by hand and, as a rule, in small volumes. The most crucial aspect of craft production is quality, which begins with the selection of raw materials and ends with the production technology. Ukrainian producers are adept at combining traditional wine-making methods with modern technologies. The production of the finest Ukrainian wines is achieved through the use of grapes cultivated without the application of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This approach results in wines that are more natural and beneficial to human health. Winemakers in Ukraine are committed to the advancement of their wines, and this dedication has led to the receipt of international awards. Ukrainian craft wines have long been gaining a foothold in the global market, becoming competitive and popular among wine lovers.


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How to Cite
Nahurna, N., & Kurylenko, Y. (2024). STUDY OF THE WINEMAKING MARKET OF UKRAINE AS AN INFRASTRUCTURE FOR WINE TOURISM. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (13), 101-105.