Keywords: project management, tourism, hotel and restaurant business, tourist project, tourist product, features, project life cycle


Implementation of the project approach in any branch of the country's economy is aimed at effective use of resources, optimization of processes and achievement of strategic goals through clear planning and implementation of various initiatives. This approach helps companies better organize their activities, increase competitiveness and meet the requirements of the modern market. Therefore, it is worth considering the issue of implementing project management methodology in the tourism and hotel-restaurant business. Before the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, during the last ten years, the rapid growth of the tourist and hotel-restaurant business was observed in the country's major cities. Large international chains appeared on the market, the number of small private hotels increased, and old Soviet establishments were modernized. The number of projects in this area was constantly growing, especially before important events and large events. At the same time, project managers often faced challenges in effectively managing and balancing finances, quality, and deadlines. This question remains relevant today. The article substantiates the necessity of researching the peculiarities of project management in the tourist and hotel-restaurant business and analyzes the concepts of "tourist project" and "tourist product" from the point of view of the project approach. The classification of tourism projects is given according to the following characteristics: by scale, by geographical principle, by purpose, by duration of implementation, by sources of financing and by the number of participants. The stages of the life cycle of the tourism project, which correspond to the life cycle of the tourism product, which must be updated or improved before the maturity stage of the previous product, are substantiated. Based on the theory of the life cycle of a tourist project, which is fully consistent with the principles of project management, it can be argued that it determines a clear sequence of creating a tourist product, which eventually becomes a product, that is, a project. In general, the development of a tourist product in the project format raises the level of the tourism industry, bringing it closer to modern high-tech sectors of the economy.


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How to Cite
Danchenko, O., Chepurda, H., & Kurakin, O. (2024). FEATURES OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE TOURIST AND HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (13), 95-100. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-4949.3(13).2024.14