Keywords: hotel and restaurant business, hospitality industry, tourism industry, marketing management system, marketing strategy, strategic planning, strategic priorities, development strategy


The relevance of the scientific study of the essence and importance of strategic marketing in tourism and hotel and restaurant business is due to the challenges of the time, characterised by uncertainty, crisis conditions in many areas of economic activity and life support of the population. The article is aimed at considering and formulating, on the example of tourism and hotel and restaurant business enterprises, the essence and importance of strategic marketing with regard to the challenges of the times. The research methodology is based on the principles of science and systematicity. The article presents an analysis of theoretical and methodological developments in the terminology and essential characteristics of strategic marketing. On the example of enterprises in the sphere of tourism and hotel and restaurant business, methods of comparative analysis, analytical and synthetic, statistical, abstract and logical are used to analyse the essential features of strategic marketing and study the importance of its application for their prospective development. The article analyses the situation in the tourism industry and the hotel and restaurant services market in the post-pandemic period, as well as the martial law and post-war situation in Ukraine. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of applying adaptive methods of organising and conducting business in real conditions, developing and implementing optimal measures for creating and promoting attractive offers for consumers. Special attention is paid to disclosing the essence of forming strategic priorities of marketing activities of hospitality industry enterprises in the market in a competitive business environment. The article analyses the marketing system of management and strategic planning in the context of uncertainty and crisis in the Ukrainian economy. Appropriate measures to determine strategic priorities and development strategies in the tourism and hotel and restaurant business are proposed. The article presents options for applying effective marketing tools to achieve the goals of balanced development in the tourism and hospitality industry. The results of the study may be useful for employees of the tourism sector, hotel and restaurant business, and the service sector in general; researchers, teachers, students of higher education institutions, who study, in particular, the specialities "Tourism" and "Hotel and Restaurant Business".


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How to Cite
Chepurda, L., Matviichuk, L., & Herman, I. (2024). THE ESSENCE AND IMPORTANCE OF STRATEGIC MARKETING IN TOURISM AND HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (13), 86-94.