Keywords: business process, enterprise, process management, management, managerial decisions, theory of managerial decision making


The purpose of the article is to summarize and systematize, on the example of fundamental and modern theories and methods of business process management, the feasibility of their application in the practice of modern management in tourism and hotel and restaurant business. The methodology is based on the principles of systematicity and science. The scientific article summarizes and systematizes, on the example of fundamental and modern theories and methods of business process management, the feasibility of their application in the practice of modern management in tourism and GRB. The article analyzes the theoretical and methodological foundations for taking into account various scenarios in the business processes of enterprises, assessing threats and opportunities in the pessimistic, realistic and optimistic scenarios. The factors of influence in the formation of a business plan that correspond to the endogenous and exogenous environment are investigated. The peculiarities of business processes in the tourism industry, hotel and restaurant business are taken into account. The author emphasizes the importance of taking into account such functions as planning, organization, motivation and control in the process of managing enterprises in the tourism and hotel and restaurant business. The importance of the role of strategy development and implementation, flexible and continuous planning in the practice of business process management in tourism and hotel and restaurant industry is confirmed. The author confirms the role and importance of business planning in the economic activities of tourism enterprises and SRBs at the global level and in Ukraine in particular, as a form of program planning to adapt to situations related to the extraordinary negative impact of external and internal factors, etc. The author proves that optimization of business processes of enterprises under conditions of uncertainty and crisis is a tool for adaptation of the relevant business processes to modern conditions. The results of the study may be useful for employees of the tourism industry, hotel and restaurant business, and the service sector in general; researchers, teachers, students of higher education institutions, who study, in particular, the specialties "Tourism" and "Hotel and Restaurant Business".


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How to Cite
Chepurda, L., Herman, I., & Adamenko, Y. (2024). PRACTICE OF MANAGING BUSINESS PROCESSES IN TOURISM AND HOTEL AND RESTAURANT INDUSTRY IN MODERN CONDITIONS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (13), 76-85.