Keywords: barrier-free tourism, tourism, barrier-free, barrier-free tourist environment, development of barrier-free tourism


According to estimates by the World Health Organization, about 15% of the world's population lives with some form of disability. If we add to this number young women with children, families with elderly people, families combining different age groups (children + elderly people), people with certain forms and types of additional needs and features of physical and mental development, etc., then the mentioned number of those who needs a barrier-free tourist environment will increase. Ensuring comprehensive accessibility and barrier-free accessibility is the main challenge and task for tourism service providers to pay attention to people who need barrier-free accessibility as a growing group of consumers. Determining the state, problems and prospects for the development of barrier-free tourist infrastructure, grouping barrier-free infrastructure based on its types and researching the existing tourist infrastructure of Ukraine is important for achieving the overall development of the tourism industry. Methods and methodology. A review of academic research, statistics, legislation, and reports was conducted to review the research question and determine the need for further research. However, the review of access prospects for people who need accessibility in tourism is an open and urgent issue, the solution of which is an important contribution to the development of tourism and ensuring the competitiveness of the tourism industry. Based on this, the research consists in finding a synthesis of the infrastructural elements of general tourism and the integration of a barrier-free component into it, which is an important characteristic of the socially-oriented development of society and the development of the tourism industry. The study presents an analysis of the status quo and an exploration of new trends that expand the agenda for future research in the field of barrier-free tourism. As a growing market niche, barrier-free tourism puts more and more demands on the tourism industry, while suppliers in the tourism industry feel the lack of appropriate facilities and services, the imperfection, and often the absence of barrier-free tourism infrastructure, which is a major problem in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Omelchak, H. (2024). BARRIER-FREE TOURIST INFRASTRUCTURE OF UKRAINE: STATUS, PROBLEMS AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (13), 69-75.