Keywords: gastronomic tourism, culinary heritage, ethnic restaurant, region, diagnosis, strategy, management


The article reveals the meaningful characteristics of the concept of "gastronomic tourism", factors of the development of gastronomic tourism, carried out an analytical study of the gastronomic tourism of the regions of Ukraine, revealed the characteristics of the activity of the sphere of gastronomic tourism in the modern period, proposed ways of developing the sphere of gastronomic tourism in Ukraine during the war period. The main goal of the conducted research is to identify the potential of gastronomic tourism as an effective tool for branding the regions of Ukraine. The analysis of scientific sources on the direction of the development of gastronomic tourism shows that the publications highlight insufficient elements characterizing the development of gastronomic tourism as a branding tool in the regions of Ukraine at the present time. The systematization of literary sources and approaches to solving the problem of strategic diagnosis of gastronomic tourism as a branding tool implies the presence of a wide range of issues related to the factors of the development of culinary traditions of the regions of Ukraine, the research is not enough. The relevance of highlighting the problem of gastronomic tourism is important, since its development contributes to the preservation of the culinary heritage of the regions of Ukraine, economic growth, the formation of a positive image and the development of innovations in the regions of our country. Gastronomic tourism has significant potential for increasing the tourist attractiveness of regions and creating unique culinary experiences for tourists. Economic and statistical data, comparison, generalization, specification, synthesis and analysis were used in the research process. The object of the study is the development of gastronomic tourism as a branding tool for the regions of Ukraine. The study confirms and theoretically proves that gastronomic tourism in Ukraine currently has its advantages and disadvantages. Practical significance is achieved by the possibilities of using the developed conclusions and recommendations for the introduction of innovations in the development of gastronomic tourism and management of gastrotourism in the context of entering the international market. The practical value of the conducted research is that its results can be used to form a strategy for the development of gastronomic tourism, both in the region and in Ukraine. The actual application of the results and implementation of the proposed measures will have a positive impact on the development of the gastronomic tourism market.


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How to Cite
Lepkiy, M., & Levchuk, O. (2024). GASTRONOMIC TOURISM AS A BRANDING TOOL OF THE REGIONS OF UKRAINE. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (13), 62-68.