Keywords: hotel enterprises, collective accommodation facilities, analysis, statistical indicators, current state, development trends


The article is devoted to the study of the current state and development trends of Ukrainian enterprises of the hotel industry. An analysis of the latest research and publications related to the development trends of domestic hotel enterprises has been carried out. It was found that the vast majority of existing works examine the period before 2022. In this regard, the problem of evaluating the performance indicators of hotel enterprises during a full-scale war remains unresolved. The main goal of the study was to analyze the state and development trends of Ukrainian hotel industry enterprises in wartime conditions. To achieve the goal, the statistical data of the State Tourism Development Agency of Ukraine concerning tax revenues from the tourism industry by region during 2021 – 2023 was studied. Due to significant devaluation of the hryvnia during the specified period, monetary indicators were calculated in US dollars. The official average exchange rate of the hryvnia against foreign currencies for the relevant year, established by the National Bank of Ukraine, is used for the calculation. Based on the received data, the dynamics of changes in tax revenues relative to previous years were calculated for each region. The obtained results show a total reduction by 41.3% of the amount of taxes paid by tourism industry enterprises in 2022. An increase in revenues to the state budget was only observed in Kyiv and Western regions. In 2023, positive dynamics relative to 2022 were observed in most regions, which indicates the adaptation of the remaining enterprises to nowadays challenges. The conducted research allows us to determine the main trends in the development of domestic hotel enterprises: strengthening of safety measures; investments in autonomy; orientation of industry enterprises on domestic tourism; change in the geography of tourism; change in the target audience of hotel enterprises. Understanding the current trends is vital for hospitality businesses to effectively plan their development. The results of the research can be useful for workers in the field of tourism and hotel and restaurant business, scientists, teachers and students of higher educational institutions etc.


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How to Cite
Mokryi, A., & Chepurda, L. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE STATE AND CURRENT DEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF DOMESTIC ENTERPRISES OF THE HOTEL INDUSTRY. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (13), 57-61.