Keywords: capsule hotels, budget hotels, innovative design solutions, hospitality industry, tourism infrastructure


The article explores the concept of capsule hotels as an innovative design solution for the development of the budget hotel segment in Ukraine. It examines the historical background of capsule hotels, their evolution, and current state of development worldwide. The main characteristics and features of capsule hotels are analysed, along with their advantages compared to traditional accommodation facilities. Particular attention is paid to the international experience of capsule hotel operations, especially in the Asia-Pacific region, which is a leader in this segment. Examples of successful capsule hotels in Japan, Singapore, Thailand, and other countries are considered. The article also highlights trends in the development of capsule hotels in Europe and North America, where the concept is being adapted to local cultural peculiarities and consumer needs. The implementation of capsule hotels in Ukraine is analysed in detail. An overview of existing capsule hotels in Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Lviv is presented, including their features and pricing policies. Characteristic traits of Ukrainian capsule hotels are identified, such as unique design, adaptation to local conditions, technological innovations, and flexibility in crisis situations. The article also discusses the challenges faced in implementing capsule hotels in Ukraine, including the need to adapt legislation and overcome cultural stereotypes. Despite these difficulties, the growing popularity of the format among consumers and its alignment with global trends in the hospitality industry are noted. The authors emphasise the potential of capsule hotels as a catalyst for innovation in Ukraine's hospitality industry, their role in diversifying tourism offerings, and the possibility of attracting new categories of tourists. It is noted that the development of capsule hotels can contribute to optimising urban space utilisation and increasing the overall technological level of the Ukrainian hotel sector. The conclusions highlight the promising prospects for the development of capsule hotels in Ukraine as an innovative and cost-effective solution for accommodating tourists and business travellers. The importance of further study and adaptation of this concept to Ukrainian realities is emphasised to enhance the competitiveness of the domestic hospitality industry in the international tourism market.


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How to Cite
Kramarenko, D., & Hirenko, N. (2024). CAPSULE HOTELS AS A PROMISING DESIGN SOLUTION FOR BUDGET HOTELS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (13), 50-56.