Keywords: cherry fruit, standard products, technical defect, absolute waste, pre-cooling, cooling methods, storage


Cherry fruits are in demand both in fresh and processed form, so increasing the terms of use of fruit raw materials through pre-cooling is a leading issue in the food industry. The article focuses on the commodity characteristics of cherry fruits after storage under the influence of different methods of pre-cooling. Cherry fruits in the consumer stage of ripeness of the model variety "Vstrecha" were used for the study. The quality indicators of fruit raw materials met the standard requirements of DSTU 8325: 2015. Fresh cherries. Technical specifications. After harvesting, the fruit was inspected, sorted and calibrated, and then packed in bulk in boxes of 10 kg each. Immediately after harvesting, the fruit was pre-cooled using four methods. Namely: passive air and intensive air methods, hydro cooling, and a combined method. The essence of pre-cooling by the combined method was to cool the fruit in two stages: first, with ice water (1.0±0.5°C) with the addition of lactic and acetic acids to a temperature inside the fruit of 4±1°C, then in intensive cooling chambers with cold air (0±1°C) at a speed of 3.0 m/s to a temperature of 2±0.5°C. Cherry fruits were stored at a temperature of 1...2 °C. The relative humidity in the storage chamber was 90...95 %. According to the results of the study, it was determined that the pre-cooling by the proposed combined method contributed to a decrease in the number of technical defects, absolute waste and weight loss of cherries during storage for 40 days and an increase in the yield of standard products after storage by 4...13% compared to other methods of pre-cooling. Thus, the use of combined pre-cooling of cherries before storage can be an effective tool for reducing losses, preserving marketability and extending the shelf life of fruit raw materials. In today's market conditions, the introduction of the proposed technology into production is very relevant and can become one of the leading areas of long-distance storage and transportation of cherries and will lead to improved economic performance in the fruit and vegetable industry.


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How to Cite
Ivanova, I., & Serdyuk, M. (2024). COMMERCIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CHERRY FRUITS AFTER STORAGE. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (13), 38-43.