Keywords: ascorbic acid, tocopherol resveratrol, antioxidant, fats, meat and dairy industry


The article presents an analysis of scientific sources on the oxidative processes of fat-containing products and the use of antioxidants in the meat and dairy industry. Antioxidants are a vital group of food additives with unique properties to extend the shelf life of food products while maintaining their taste and nutritional value. In terms of classification, there are two main types of antioxidants: primary and secondary. The primary antioxidants include phenols and phenolic compounds, which act as hydrogen atom donors and are capable of breaking the radical reaction chain. Secondary antioxidants, such as ascorbic acid, act as hydrogen atom donors to phenoxyl radicals, thereby contributing to the regeneration of primary antioxidants. Their action reduces the amount of phenolic compounds, increasing the acidity of the environment and thus the stability of primary antioxidants. The influence of ascorbic acid and tocopherol on fat-containing products for the purpose of stabilization is considered. The use of dried grape pomace as a source of resveratrol is proposed. Resveratrol is a natural steroid metabolite synthesized in grape leaves. It is a plant antibiotic, a phytoncide, with antioxidant properties that are 20 times higher than vitamin C and 50 times higher than tocopherol. This addresses the issue of the utilization of waste products generated by the wine industry. The unique properties of resveratrol facilitate the extension of the shelf life of food products without compromising their organoleptic characteristics and nutritional value. The application of the latest technologies in the production of meat and dairy products presents a significant opportunity for the enhancement of product quality and its usefulness to consumers. These technologies are becoming an invaluable tool for enhancing the taste, texture, and properties of products, guaranteeing their safety and prolonged shelf life, and most crucially, meeting the specific demands of consumers. Nevertheless, it is important to maintain a balance between technological advancement and the preservation of products' inherent qualities, as well as to prioritize environmental sustainability.


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How to Cite
Osypenkova, I., Chepurna, O., & Nahurna, N. (2024). RESVERATROL AS A PROMISINQ ANTIOXIDANT IN MEAT AND DAIRY PRODUCTS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (13), 28-32.