Keywords: coffee, coffee drink, coffee shop, coffee wave, service economy, trend, barista, consumer


The vision of the article is to present the unique characteristics of the first-third and forecast trends in the development of the coffee business in the conditions of the fourth and fifth "coffee waves" based on the theoretical and methodological justification of the coffee business phenomenon on world markets and the business reality of Ukraine in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Types of coffee shops are characterized according to the "waves" of their emergence; quantitative characteristics of the world and Ukrainian markets of coffee drinks are presented. Factors and arguments in favor of the prospects for the development of the restaurant business as a component of the service economy are presented. The quantitative characteristics of the world market of coffee drinks, the main counterpart countries in the trade of products for coffee shops are succinctly summarized. A thorough analysis of the essence and content of each of the five coffee "waves" was carried out according to the parameters: content of the stage, characteristics, concentration (focusing), uniqueness and discovery within the stage. We note that the first-third stages reflect the business and cultural reality; the fourth – fifth "coffee waves" are focused on the description of new trends and futuristic forecasts of the development of the coffee business. The innovative characteristics of coffee shops of the fourth and fifth "waves", the change in the role and "business niche" of the main subjects of the coffee business are described in detail. It is assumed that the most complete coverage of the issue of modern trends in the development of the coffee business in modern Ukraine will be facilitated by the concentration of research work in the following aspects: the study of the evolution and unique historical features of coffee consumption in Ukraine and the development of an original concept of domestic coffee culture; generalization of the best world practices in the organization of coffee shops and the implementation of socio-psychological research in the field of rational and irrational choices of coffee consumers; descriptions of behavioral trends of Ukrainian coffee consumers under the conditional name "coffee during the war"; assortment, tasting characteristics of coffee and coffee drinks within the framework of the first to fifth "coffee waves".


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How to Cite
Tserklevych, V., Turchyniak, M., & Polova, O. (2024). THEORY OF “COFFEE WAVES” AND DEVELOPMENT TRENDS OF THE COFFEE BUSINESS IN UKRAINE. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (4 (14), 35-42.