Keywords: quality, animation, hospitality industry, animator, hotel, service


The article considers the process of improving the quality of service in hospitality enterprises through animation activities. Animation is considered as a whole industry in hotel service, an integral part of the whole service and quality hotel service. The paper also outlines areas for improving service in hotel enterprises through the introduction of animation services to their activities. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the factors influencing the development of animation services, to reveal the main functions and directions of animation services and to find possible innovations in the hotel industry animation programs, using the experience of leading hotel companies and foreign countries. The problem of product quality assurance is very important now, because much in the development of a particular industry depends on how progressive its implementation is. However, speaking about the main indicators of quality, as well as possible problems that may arise with the release of quality services, they are individual for the hotel and restaurant business and the hospitality industry in general. Now a whole new direction has been actively used all over the world - animation, it occupies an important niche in the development of tourism in general, and is quite relevant for the effective functioning of hospitality enterprises. The organization of animation is the main part of the hotel business, which expresses its high degree of professionalism. Considering the animation service in hotels, we can conclude that in today's world in conditions of fierce competition in the market of tourist services it is impossible to imagine a hotel complex without the organization of animation activities. In order for the guests of the hotel and restaurant business of different nationalities, different ages, wealth and opportunities (physical, intellectual, etc.) to remain satisfied, animation programs must be improved and changed throughout the season in content, intensity, time and other parameters for the return of visitors to the hotel.


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How to Cite
Tereshchuk, N., & Tymchuk, S. (2021). MODERN FORMS OF ORGANIZATION AND PROCESS OF ANIMATION SERVICE AT HOTEL ENTERPRISES. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1-2 (3-4), 84-92.