Publication conditions
The journal covers topical issues of the development of tourism and recreational sphere and hotel and restaurant business, environmentally safe use of recreational resources, the problems of healthy eating society and the latest technologies in the food industry. The authors submit articles, which are exclusively their own original research in compliance with the rules of citation and references. Submitting intentionally false information or plagiarism is unacceptable and unethical. In addition, only articles that have not been previously published in other journals are accepted for publication. Articles written by authors (groups of authors) from foreign countries at a high scientific level have a priority right for consideration and publication.
To publish an article the following steps are required:
1. Fill in the author information (link).
2. Send the article, completed according to the specified requirements to the e-mail address
Attention! It is necessary to indicate the code of the journal 2708 in the subject line.
3. Send an electronic receipt for the payment of the publication fee for a scientific article. Payment for the publication is made after reviewing the article.
Language of publications: articles in Ukrainian or English are accepted for consideration.
The article is required to have the following structure:
- UDC index;
- surname, first name, patronymic of the author (-s) in full (in Ukrainian);
- scientific degree, academic rank, position, place of work or study (in Ukrainian);
- ORCID and/or Reseacher ID;
- surname, first name of the author (-s), place of work or study (in English);
- title of the article (in Ukrainian and English);
- abstract and key words (in Ukrainian and English);
- text of the article;
- List of used sources and "References".
The text of the scientific article must contain the following mandatory elements:
1. Statement of the problem and its relevance.
2. Analysis of recent studies and publications, which the author relies on, which address the problem and approaches to solve it. At the same time, highlight the unresolved parts of the overall problem studied in the article.
3. The purpose of the article.
4. Presentation of the main material of the research.
5. Conclusions.
List of sources used is indicated in alphabetical order (drawn up according to the interstate standard DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic references. General requirements and rules of compilation"). References to the sources should be made in the Roman alphabet in the APA Style (APA Style Reference Citations).
Example of bibliographic sources for the list of sources used.
Example of bibliographic sources for References.
References to sources should be made in the text in square brackets, indicating the page numbers of the source, respectively: for example, [3, p. 234] or [2, p. 35; 8, p. 234].
Please note:
- references to sources of statistical data are mandatory;
- links to publications of researchers – obligatory;
- the number of references to textbooks, manuals, journalistic articles – no more than two;
- references to own publications are allowed only in case of extreme necessity;
- works of authors whose names are mentioned in the text must be in the list of references to this article and must have appropriate references in the text of the material;
- references to Internet resources must lead directly to the indicated document;
- all sources presented in the list of references must have appropriate references in the text of the material.
The article should contain abstracts and keywords in Ukrainian and English. The volume of each abstract should be at least 1800 characters without spaces. The number of keywords/word combinations – at least 5 positions. If there are problems with the reliability of the translation, the editorial board can help to solve them.
The text of the abstract should be concise, clear, free of secondary information, and give a clear and objective idea of the main essence of the article. It should not contain results that are not presented and substantiated in the main text of the article. The abstract should not contain abbreviations and citations. The abstract should indicate the purpose of the article, briefly describe the author's contribution to the solution of the scientific problem under study, identify the scientific novelty and practical significance of the results obtained, the main conclusions of the study.
Technical requirements: the volume of the article – from 8 to 20 pages, format A4 (297 x 210), margins: left – 25 mm, right, top and bottom – 20 mm, typed in the editor Microsoft Word. The entire text of the article, the list of references, abstracts used font Times New Roman, size – 14 pt, one-and-a-half spacing.
If the article contains tables, formulas and (or) illustrations, they should be compact, have a title, text font – Times New Roman, size – 12 pt. The size of tables and illustrations should not exceed the page width. Mathematical formulas must be carefully checked and clearly displayed.
Formulas should be typed with the formula editor (internal formula editor of Microsoft Word for Windows). The number of tables, formulas and illustrations should be minimal and appropriate. Figures and tables on landscape pages are not accepted.