• Liudmyla Bezuhla Dnipro University of Technology
  • Mariia Bieloborodova Dnipro University of Technology
  • Tetiana Herasymenko Dnipro University of Technology
Keywords: tourism, rehabilitation, inclusive tourism, inclusive rehabilitation tourism, accessibility


The article examines the essence and peculiarities of the formation of inclusive rehabilitation tourism in Ukraine. The definition of the concept of inclusive rehabilitation tourism from the point of view of various scientists is analyzed. It was established that for persons with limited health opportunities, inclusive tourism is not only a form of recreation, organization of leisure time, but also an opportunity for rehabilitation. Investigating the problems of inclusive rehabilitation tourism in Ukraine, its functional model was analyzed. It has been proven that in modern realities, tourism acts as an innovative tool in rehabilitation for people with limited physical capabilities and generates a process of cognition and the possibility of full socialization. It has been proven that in the future, inclusive rehabilitation tourism will become the basis of support for people who have limited health opportunities and limited access to tourist services. Tourism is one of the few types of economy that is rapidly developing. Interest in tourism is explained by a number of factors. First of all, starting a tourism business does not require a large investment. Secondly, large, medium and small companies exist quite successfully in the tourist market. A tour is the main result of the activity of travel companies that act on the market as tour operators or travel agencies. In today's difficult conditions in Ukraine, there is a change in disability models from a medical to a social model; conditions are introduced for the participation of people with disabilities in active social life; state guarantees are increasing in the context of improving social standards for persons with disabilities; barrier-free environments for people with disabilities appear; there is active interaction between the state and public organizations of the disabled in solving the problems of persons with special needs. The key goal of inclusive tourism is to perceive it as tourism accessible to all without exception, regardless of physical limitations. Summarizing the above, it should be emphasized that tourism is a unique driving force in the rehabilitation of people with limited health opportunities and generates a process of learning and promotes full socialization.


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How to Cite
Bezuhla, L., Bieloborodova, M., & Herasymenko , T. (2022). ORMATION OF INCLUSIVE REHABILITATION TOURISM IN UKRAINE. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (6), 20-25. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-4949.2(6.2022.4