• Liudmyla Matviichuk Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Larysa Chepurda Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Hanna Chepurda Cherkasy State Technological University
Keywords: safety and quality, restaurant products and services, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point


The article summarizes the existing approaches to the management system of safety and quality of products and services of the restaurant industry. The main goal of the conducted research is to determine effective tools for managing the safety and quality of products and services in the restaurant industry based on international experience research, as well as the prospects for implementing best practices in the activities of Ukrainian hospitality industry entities. The systematization of literary sources and approaches to solving the problem of managing the safety and quality of products in the restaurant industry proved that the majority of publications are devoted to solving the problem of food safety in general. The issues of implementing safety and product quality management systems in the restaurant industry are insufficiently covered. The urgency of solving this scientific problem lies in the fact that the modern vector of Ukraine's development is particularly acutely raising the question of compliance of restaurant production technology with international norms and standards. The study of the implementation of the safety and quality management system of restaurant products in the article is carried out in the following logical sequence: an analysis of the international experience of solving the specified problem was carried out, it was determined that the international HACCP system is effectively implemented in developed countries, which defines the algorithm for analyzing risks and critical control points including the limits of the entire production and consumption chain of restaurant products. Methods of statistical analysis, methods of formalization, algorithm development, descriptive, analytical, and synthetic methods became the methodological tools of the conducted research. The current state of the restaurant industry in Ukraine and the world was chosen as the research period. The object of the study was the process of introducing the management system of safety and quality of restaurant products into the activities of restaurant businesses, since it is this process that allows guaranteeing the high quality and safety of the offered products and services. The study confirms and theoretically proves that the implementation of the HACCP system provides restaurants with a number of internal and external advantages. The results of the conducted research can be useful for business entities of the hospitality industry, various service companies that provide services for the development and implementation of a management system for the safety and quality of restaurant products.


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How to Cite
Matviichuk, L., Chepurda, L., & Chepurda, H. (2022). PROSPECTS OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SAFETY AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF RESTAURANT PRODUCTS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (6), 9-14.