Keywords: dessert, dry functional mixes, cream, dessert products, syrup, jelly, taste, innovation


Modern market conditions require constant improvement and application of innovative technologies in the food industry. The main technologies of making dessert products with low sugar content are investigated in the article. Natural and artificial sugar substitutes, their benefits and harms of use are analyzed. The latest trend in the development of the food industry in Ukraine and the world is the strengthening of integration and globalization. This situation leads to stable economic growth and ensuring the competitiveness of the food industry. An important condition for the implementation of innovative technologies and methods in the food industry is the evaluation of their effectiveness, which largely depends on the object of evaluation, the type of effect, the approach to evaluating efficiency. Today, desserts are the most popular food. The constant increase of the population and, accordingly, the satisfaction of the consumption needs of any products require innovative approaches to product technologies. The latest trends and trends in improving the quality of food products while reducing calories and increasing nutritional value lead to the creation of innovative types of dessert products with functional recognition. New types of dessert products are significantly influenced by the need for a healthy diet, taking into account all the necessary macronutrients. When creating a new functional dessert, much attention is paid to improving the nutritional value. A promising area of the development of functional products is dessert products with low energy value and low sugar content. As of today, the confectionery industry and, accordingly, dessert products are becoming increasingly popular. The total production of food industry enterprises, in terms of dessert products, is more than 1.4 million tons of products per year (3% of GDP). This house closely cooperates with agricultural enterprises of Ukraine and is one of the largest consumers of their products ˗ milk, flour, sugar, etc. In modern conditions, the food industry is stably developed, selfsufficient and occupies a leading position in both domestic and global markets. The production of dessert products is constantly growing. This trend is observed not only in Ukraine. Monitoring and research of the confectionery market in Ukraine demonstrates the fact that the largest share is occupied by domestic products. This is about 95% of the total. This percentage is provided by a highly concentrated market with a large number of food industry enterprises (about 800 companies). Modern consumers want to get something innovative as a dessert, with a low sugar content, balanced in the number of macronutrients. In a number of European countries and Japan, desserts with the addition of vitamins, minerals, sweeteners, sugar substitutes (including stevia) have become very popular.


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How to Cite
Neshchadym, L. (2021). INNOVATIVE METHODS AND TECHNOLOGIES OF DESSERT PREPARATION. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1-2 (3-4), 59-65.