• Lilia Ivashyna Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Larysa Byshovets Черкаський державний технологічний університет
Keywords: hotel and restaurant business, martial law, work organization, economic efficiency, development dynamics


The work gives a study of the organization of the hotel and restaurant business during the period of martial law in Cherkasy region and the development of directions for ensuring the economic efficiency of hospitality enterprises functioning. It has been established that the hotel and restaurant business is in rather unfavorable conditions for economic development. The main goal of the study is to promote the organization of uninterrupted operation of hotel and restaurant business establishments in Cherkasy region during the period of military aggression. It is shown that the problem of organizing the work of the hotel and restaurant business, both in Ukraine and in Cherkasy during the war, is one of the most relevant today. Systematized literary sources and approaches to solving the problem show that the situation in Ukraine from an economic and political point of view is unstable, the military situation has a rather negative effect on the dynamics of the development and functioning of the hotel and restaurant industry in the regions. The object of the research was determined to be the establishments of the hotel and restaurant industry of Cherkasy region, since the organization of the work of this business changed significantly during the martial law. The methods used during the scientific research are the following: systematization of scientific literature and theoretical analysis in order to determine the state and theoretical justification of the organization of the hotel and restaurant business during the war, comparison methods, informative and analytical methods, generalization and others. The need to develop directions for ensuring the effective operation of hotel and restaurant establishments during the period of martial law has been determined and substantiated. On the basis of the conducted research, it was concluded that in the future, for the successful organization of the hotel and restaurant industry, it is necessary to develop ways to ensure the viability of this business. The results of the research can be useful for employees of the hotel and restaurant industry, scientists, teachers and students of the specialties «Hotel and restaurant business».


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How to Cite
Ivashyna, L., & Byshovets , L. (2022). MARTIAL LAW: PECULIARITIES OF HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS ORGANIZATION IN CHERKASY REGION. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (6), 5-8.