Keywords: cultural and educational tourism, culture, ethnic heritage, tourism infrastructure, cultural heritage sites, tourism potential


The prospects for the development of cultural and educational tourism in Cherkasy region are analyzed in the paper. The relevance of the study is explained by insufficient coverage of the issue of cultural and educational tourism in Cherkasy region in scientific literature. It should be noted that cultural and educational tourism is increasingly attracting tourists, because Cherkasy region is a region where travelers can not only meet the needs of recreation, using recreational areas, but also develop intellectually and spiritually, visiting numerous cultural and historical sites. The purpose of the study is to identify specific historical and cultural regions that are the reason of cultural and educational tourism. In order to achieve this goal, the following tasks must be fulfilled: to determine the prospects for the development of cultural and educational tourism; to analyze issues of tourists' motivation to visit a cultural and historical site; to determine the specific cultural and historical traditions of Cherkasy region; to feature the prospects for solving these problems. To achieve the goal, the following research methods have been used: systematization of scientific literature and theoretical analysis to determine the state and theoretical justification of the prospects for the development of cultural and educational tourism in Cherkasy region, methods of empirical research: observation, comparison, generalization. In the course of writing the article, it is proved that cultural and educational tourism is an active way to study the culture and history of the people. Potential tourists may be interested in historical, cultural, architectural monuments, as well as religious sites of Cherkasy region. It should be noted that there are many monuments of material and spiritual culture in the studied region, which attract tourists not only from all over Ukraine but also from other countries. Unfortunately, not all of them are in good condition. Thus, Cherkasy region has a significant cultural, historical, economic, educational potential for the development of cultural and educational tourism. The article proves that Cherkasy region has a considerable potential for the introduction of cultural and educational tours, given the available resources. The restoration of cultural and historical sites and the development of tourism infrastructure will contribute to increasing the number of tourists.


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How to Cite
Shestel, O., & Lytvyn, T. (2020). PROSPECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF CULTURAL AND EDUCATIONAL TOURISM IN CHERKASY REGION. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2), 75-81.