Keywords: tourism industry, tourism enterprises, national tourism market, tourism trends, tourism tendencies, tourism innovations


The article examines how the trends, tendencies, and potential consumers of tourism services are going to change after the pandemic and suggests a number of steps to make necessary in modern conditions of the domestic tourism industry, which has actually stopped working, because the Ukrainian government has canceled support for tourism development projects, and the vast majority of local tourism projects have also lost grant funding from the EU and other international funds. It has been established that the development of tourism is such a dynamic process that there is a need to monitor modern tendencies in its manifestation, identify the main trends and simultaneously develop practical measures to tackle the main complexities in the tourism industry. Therefore, the issues of tourism development, forecasting and research are extremely relevant. The article analyzes the tourist product that the national tourism market offers today. The purpose of the article is to study the recreational and tourism potential in the domestic market and formulate proposals for creating a competitive tourist product in the domestic market after the COVID-19 pandemic. The study suggests plausible actions that will enable the domestic tourism industry to advance and reach the level of the world's tourism leaders, particularly by improving service standards, creating an electronic register of all subjects of tourism activities, creating a new, top-notch trending tourist product in the domestic market, implementing a comprehensive advertising and information campaign to promote the tourist product, applying innovative tourism technologies, etc. Current trends of 2020 are presented, taking into account current trends, economic prospects and the impact of recent events. Therefore, the proposed measures will certainly contribute to the creation of a competitive tourist product on the domestic market because in modern society, with increasingly developed information systems and the latest technologies, the tourism business, which is so multifaceted and changeable, must be dynamic as well.


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How to Cite
Frei, L., & Harashchenko, D. (2020). CURRENT TENDENCIES AND NEW TRENDS IN TOURISM AFTER COVID-19. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2), 64-74.