Keywords: service, restaurant, economy, management, consumer, security, efficiency, model, properties


The relevance of the statistic begins when in the minds of postindustrial development the sphere of restaurant service is intensively developing, new services and technology have appeared, and the globalization of the restaurant sector has made it possible to state the competitiveness of food in the restaurant sector. Yak galuz ekonomiki, Ukrainian restaurant service is guilty of more and more focus on consumer and interest of foreign tourists and survivors of life, economic economy and suspension. The main method is the statty є development of restaurant service (restaurantology) as a scientific and methodical basis for the development and promotion of services in the restaurant business, to enter the warehouse of the current economy of Ukraine. The statutes of the restaurant service policy are being formed (service policy in the restaurant service management) as the scientific basis of the restaurant business design and the evaluation of the quality of service in the restaurant service, the development of the sphere of service in the restaurant service, the development of the The market of this kind of services, the development of service and information technologies and communications, is able to display the functional and decomposition of restaurants (complexes of restaurant services). The broken science theory of hotel service (hotel service) has not yet been formed, insufficiently rooted, not represented by the scientific spirit and numerical subjekts of the economy and the suspension, which is to work on the hope of the last guests. As a result of the abundant current nutrition and development of the sphere of hotel services, there can be no change without a theoretical rationalization of the day service and the development of scientific theory of services (hotel serviceology). At the same time, the advancement of the theoretical foundations of the sphere of hotel services is not only theoretical, but in the meaning of the world, applied value, some specificity of technology in the sphere of hotel management services, resource storage and production of the sphere of production.


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How to Cite
Tereshchuk, N. (2021). METHODOLOGICAL BASES FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SERVICEOLOGY IN RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1-2 (3-4), 75-83.