Keywords: hotel business, automated control systems (ACS), competitiveness, business processes, information technology, hospitality industry


The peculiarities of regulation of hotel business with the help of information technologies are covered in the work. The urgency of the problem is confirmed by the fact that the existing methods of assessing the use of automated management systems of hotel enterprises and the specifics of individual software products increase the competitiveness of modern hotel enterprises. The main purpose of this study is to identify trends and concepts of hotel services, characterized by a high level of competition, a variety of services provided and increasing the level of service. The implementation of this task involves the analysis and forecasting of the development of the automation process taking into account the socioeconomic situation of the countries. Today, hotel companies against the background of a fierce struggle for each guest are forced to improve actively, using a variety of internal organizational and technological innovations as the most effective mechanisms to increase competitiveness. The article examines the impact of information technology on hotel management, as it is directly related to improving the efficiency of both the individual manager and the hotel, as well as the impact on competitiveness in today's market. The article analyzes the use of computer networks, the Internet and Internet technologies, software products for end-to-end automation of all business processes of the hotel, which today are not just a matter of leadership and competitive advantage, but also survival in the market. Today, a significant number of Ukrainian hotel businesses are actively implementing automation systems that fully meet modern requirements. The main advantage of using ACS is the integration with such global booking systems as Amadeus, Galileo, Saber and Worldspan. The competitive advantage of enterprises in the hospitality industry largely depends on the active use of innovations in information technology, which in turn is a strong marketing tool that allows you to manage consumer loyalty to the guest.


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How to Cite
Tranchenko, L., & Tereshchuk, N. (2021). AUTOMATION OF BUSINESS PROCESSES AS A MECHANISM TO INCREASE THE EFFICIENCY OF A HOTEL ENTERPRISE ACTIVITY. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1-2 (3-4), 14-24.