Keywords: World Tourism Organization, tourism industry, international tourism, international organizations, international trends, tourist flows


Today, international tourism organisations play a leading role not only in the tourism and hospitality industries of individual countries and their regions, but also in defining strategic plans for the development of tourism and the hotel and restaurant business on a global scale. The relevance of the research is due to the importance of the impact of decisions of international tourism organisations not only in the tourism segment of the world's economies, but also for the development of important global measures aimed at balanced development in the life support of human societies, including the economic, environmental and social spectrum of actions. The article is aimed at reviewing and summarising the main directions in the activities of international tourism organisations and their role in the development of tourism and the hotel and restaurant business in the current context. Today, the World Tourism Organisation is recognised as the world's main general tourism organisation. A relevant analysis of the factors of classification of the main groups of international tourism organisations, including global and regional general, regional sectoral, specialised and special, is carried out. The article summarises the contribution of tourism and the hospitality industry to the global gross domestic product. Attention is focused on the importance of motivating individual entrepreneurs to engage in the tourism and hospitality industry, and intensifying tourism activities among small and medium-sized businesses. The results of the scientific research prove the significant impact and importance of an effective system of state regulation for planning at various levels of management in the tourism sector in countries where tourism is a leading sector of the economy. The importance of compliance with international rules and standards of safety, quality of services, products and services both during the formation and throughout the entire life cycle of the tourism product is emphasised. The role of professional education, practical skills, and continuous professional development for employees of tourism and hotel and restaurant businesses is determined. The importance of providing tourism with highly qualified managers is highlighted. The article systematises the theoretical basis and methodical developments on the information base about international tourism organisations and determination of their role in the development of tourism and hotel and restaurant business in the current conditions. Particular attention is paid to the importance of Ukraine's participation in the UNWTO activities in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. To reveal the topic of scientific research, the article conducts analytical studies of the functional characteristics of international tourism organisations and identifies priority issues to determine their role in the development of tourism and hotel and restaurant business in the context of uncertainty, risk and challenges of the times. In particular, analytical, statistical, comparative, and graphical methods were used to reveal the topic of the study. The practical significance of the results of the research may be of interest and importance, in particular, for higher education students majoring in Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business, for research and teaching staff, entrepreneurs in the tourism and hotel and restaurant business.


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How to Cite
Chepurda, H., Starynets, O., & Shestel, O. (2024). INTERNATIONAL TOURISM ORGANISATIONS AND THEIR ROLE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM AND HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS IN THE CURRENT CONDITIONS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (11), 46-56.