Keywords: tourism, recreation, hospitality industry, animation, animation services


Transformations and changes in Ukraine lead to new approaches to the professional training of an education seeker. Such a direction of tourist activity as animation is actively developing all over the world as a means of competition between similar ones in terms of service level, provision of services and arrangement of interiors of hotels and tourist complexes. The concept of animation is used in many areas of human activity and requires clarification in the structure and content of the training of future specialists who will conduct animation activities. Conducting an analysis of the origins of animation activities, which have been conducted since 50 years of the last century, it was found that this type of service arose as a response to competition, because the main tasks of the animator are to create a comfortable, friendly and hospitable atmosphere in the institution, to satisfy the needs of guests in the spiritual, cultural, emotional and physical comfort, creating conditions for pleasant communication and spending leisure time. Animation is an additional service provided to guests of hotels, tourist bases, camps and other recreation and leisure facilities, together with well-organized accommodation and food, they are supposed to create the most comfortable conditions for recreation. Rationally organized animation does not leave the guest without due attention, he is constantly busy with what pleases him, evokes positive emotions, creates a wonderful mood and arouses the desire to return to such emotions again and again. In animation, active types of recreation are used, which include active sports games, swimming, running, hiking, aerobics, rock climbing, hiking, and passive ones – reading, fishing, playing music, gardening, computer games, visiting stadiums, concerts, exhibitions, museums, inspection of monuments of architecture, history and culture. From today's point of view, the problem of effective professional training of future animators capable of carrying out activities in recreation and health facilities is becoming significant and needs to be solved.


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How to Cite
Paryshkura (Kozeruk), Y., Kolisnychenko, T., Demko, V., Bystra, I., & Sefikhanova, K. (2024). ORIGINS OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF ANIMATION SERVICES IN TOURISM. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (11), 40-45.