Keywords: mobile application, tourism, tour, tourist, service


The article highlights the peculiarities of using mobile applications in organizing and conducting excursions. It is noted that one of the main advantages of mobile applications for sightseeing tourism is that they can provide tourists with access to information about attractions and routes. It has been established that some of the most popular mobile applications for sightseeing tourism are TripAdvisor, Viator, Guided Tours, Citymapper. It has been found that the main features of using mobile applications in sightseeing tourism include mobility, information, interactivity, and personalization. It has been found that mobile applications can be used in various areas of sightseeing tourism, including travel agencies, museums and historical sites, and tour guides. It is determined that the use of mobile applications in excursion tourism has a number of advantages, including improving the quality of tourist services, increasing the number of tourists, reducing the cost of tourist services. It is noted that the use of mobile applications in sightseeing tourism has some disadvantages, in particular, insufficient information content, insufficient interactivity, insufficient personalization. It has been established that mobile applications should be informative, interactive and personalized, as well as accessible to a wide range of tourists, regardless of their interests, language and age. The main advantages of using mobile applications when leading a tour are improved spatial orientation, increased information that can be provided to tourists, and making the tour more interactive and engaging. It has been found that mobile applications are an effective tool that can be used to improve the efficiency and quality of guided tours. It has been established that mobile applications contribute to the gradual digitalization of the entire tourism industry, which allows to abandon traditional media. The advantages of using mobile applications in tourism are highlighted. The difficulties and problems of using mobile applications from the point of view of the industry and the consumer are highlighted.


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How to Cite
Mashika, H. (2024). FEATURES OF USING MOBILE APPLICATIONS IN ORGANIZING AND CONDUCTING EXCURSIONS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (11), 32-39. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-4949.1(11).2024.6