Keywords: regulatory and technical regulation, propolis, BAK, soda, mustard, field ivy, detergent, dishes, safety, ecology


The use of various detergents, including their application in the hotel and restaurant industry to facilitate cleaning processes, dishwashing, and equipment disinfection, can significantly save time and financial resources.Most household chemicals contain components that are potentially hazardous to human health and the environment. Compounds found in modern dishwashing detergents can cause allergic reactions, respiratory tract damage, and, consequently, contribute to the development of chronic diseases. We recommend using natural dishwashing agents containing natural ingredients such as ivy, baking soda, mustard, and the biologically active component propolis to avoid these dangers. The goal of the work. To investigate the impact of environmentally friendly dishwashing agents with an assessment of their effectiveness in dishwashing. The goal also involved analyzing the regulatory and technical regulation of the circulation and use of dishwashing detergents in Ukraine. Materials and methods of research. The theoretical study utilizes methods of summarization and analysis of scientific literature using the Scopus database. Standard samples of detergents with established characteristics and parameters by ASTM International methods were used for the research. Results of research and discussion. The distinctive features of the investigated new detergent include effective cleaning, disinfection, and economical usage, complying with DSTU 2665-94 on detergent means and their cleaning efficiency. It is safe for the health of both children and adults, versatile in usage for various objects like toys, bathtub, kitchen, among others. Moreover, it does not contain PAR and artificial preservatives, being entirely environmentally friendly with biodegradable components in accordance with DSTU 7283:2012. Conclusions and prospects for further research. The dishwashing and disinfecting agent "Propolis Plus Baby," based on biologically active components such as propolis, field horsetail, baking soda, and mustard, demonstrated the best results in studies conducted according to the proposed methodology and currently has no analogs in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Chepurda, L., Osypenkova, I., Sukhenko, V., & Avdieieva, L. (2024). REGULATORY AND TECHNICAL REGULATION OF ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY DISHWASHING DETERGENTS BASED ON BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE COMPONENTS OF PROPOLIS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (11), 21-25.