Keywords: hotel image, image formation, hotel competitiveness, internal image, positive image


In today's minds, the company's image plays an increasingly important role in business development. The company's image is perceived by the business environment, clients, municipal partners and public sector employees. A clear and positive image of the company reflects its development and growth, the acquisition of new clients, and the formation of the brand. For Ukrainian hotels, the formation of a positive image is one of the important factors in increasing the level of their competitiveness and weakening their stable position in the hotel services market. Regardless of whether specialists work on shaping the image of the hotel, it is still clear that it is independently formed by the clients’ reputation. Conducting an analysis of the findings on the image of hotel enterprises, it was possible to determine that the daily stages of forming a positive image for Ukrainian hotels are clearly divided. Forming a positive image is a very important process that requires less effort than correcting a negative image. The process of forming a positive image of the hotel affects the entire system of its activities. The formation of a positive image among the media of both current and future clients is influenced by a number of factors, including: the current appearance of the staff, the quality of service, the availability of rooms, the elegance of design of the adjacent territory, safety level, service and additional services, bonus programs, food , presence on the Internet. The online reputation of a hotel may be consistent with what the hotel promotes and claims about itself. Apparently, more people, before turning the hotel, are first making jokes about him on the Internet. Therefore, it is important to keep up with information about hotels on the Internet; ask and want to satisfy satisfied clients and deprive them of positive comments about the hotel; Vycorist guests' voices in your advertising company; take part in discussions on forums, blogs, and social networks. The main stages of forming an image strategy for hotels are: conducting market research; the meaning of mission and values; development of visual style; grant of lucrative services; social diversity; interaction with clients; fate at public ceremonies and entrances; carrying out monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness of the hotel's image strategy.


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How to Cite
Horshkova, L. (2024). FORMING A POSITIVE IMAGE OF GOTHEL AS A FACTOR OF PROMOTION OF ITS COMPETITIVENESS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (11), 5-10.