• Larysa Chepurda Cherkasy State Technological University
  • Dmytro Dubinovskyi Cherkasy State Technological University
Keywords: franchising, business, franchise relations, franchise, franchisor, franchisee, tourism, innovation, network, tourism industry


The purpose of the article is to generalize and systematize theoretical provisions regarding the formation and development of franchising networks of tourist enterprises, assess the current state and outline promising franchising models in the tourism business. The article is devoted to the use of franchise networks for the development of tourism business. The purpose, prospects and imperfections of franchising were carefully studied, as well as international experience, problems of improving the legal framework, regulation of franchising matters were noted. The development of franchise networks of the world's leading countries in various spheres of economic activity was studied; a natural popularization of the use of franchising in the service sector, in particular tourism, was revealed; an analysis of the functioning of the main franchising tourist networks on the world market of services in dynamics was carried out with the aim of using this experience at domestic tourist enterprises. Achieving the set goal necessitated solving the following tasks: the main approaches to the essence of franchising, the stages of formation and development of franchising and franchise networks were revealed; modern approaches to the formation of the structure of franchising networks in tourism are analyzed; characterized the current state and development trends of franchise networks on the national and international service markets; the main factors affecting the competitiveness of franchise networks in the tourism business of Ukraine are determined; as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of franchising tourist networks operating on the Ukrainian market of services; prospective models of franchising development in the tourism business are substantiated. Also, the purpose of the article is to analyze the content and features of franchising; description of the reasons affecting the formation of franchise relations; as well as the definition of the main negative factors that prevent the successful development of franchise relations. The object of research should be the activity of tourist business structures, the subject of research is the possibility of forming innovative approaches of franchising networks of tourist enterprises.


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How to Cite
Chepurda, L., & Dubinovskyi, D. (2023). INNOVATIVE APPROACHES TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF FRANCHISE NETWORKS IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (7), 27-31.