Keywords: Ukrainian borsch, Kholodnoyarsky borsch, National dish, patent, cooking technology


The paper presents an analysis of the current state of Ukrainian national cuisine and considers new technologies in the preparation of Ukrainian borsch. The main purpose of the study is to substantiate the development of technology for cooking Kholodnoyarsky borsch, as borscht occupies one of the main places in the diet of various segments of the population. Research and development of new technologies in the preparation of national dishes is relevant today. Increased competition in the restaurant business in Ukraine requires from the professionals to find new ways to meet the demand, develop innovative approaches to creating new food technologies and expand the range of national dishes. The study of the nature and technology of cooking allows the use of modern ingredients in creating new flavors of famous dishes. The following methods were used during the research: systematization of scientific literature and theoretical analysis to determine the status and theoretical justification of the prospects of national cuisine and expand the range of dishes, also methods of comparison, information and analytical methods, generalization method and others were used. In this article the main directions of development of new technologies in the preparation of Ukrainian borsch as a national dish of Ukraine were identified. The necessity of developing this technology as an innovation to ensure the effective operation of the restaurant business is identified and substantiated. It is concluded that the development of innovative technologies in the process of cooking of «Kholodnoyarsky» borsch is a promising direction to expand the range of national dishes. To increase the nutritional value of borsch, marigold flowers (Imereti saffron) were added to the recipe and three types of meat were combined, namely pork, veal and chicken. All products are pre-fried in a cauldron, followed by cooking until the dish is ready. Further research into the technology of cooking national dishes will accelerate the emergence of Ukrainian national cuisine to a new level. The results of the study can be useful for employees of the hotel and restaurant industry, scientists, teachers and students majoring in «Hotel and restaurant business» and «Food technology in the restaurant industry».


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How to Cite
Ivashyna, L., & Byshovets, L. (2021). INNOVATIONS IN THE PREPARATION TECHNIQUES OF «KHOLODNOYARSKY» BORSCH. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1-2 (3-4), 51-58.