The purpose of the article is to define the role and significance of digitalization as a key element of the management system for the innovative development of tourism enterprises in the Cherkasy region. Digital transformation has become a critical factor in enhancing the efficiency and competitiveness of businesses in all sectors, and the tourism industry is no exception. The rapid evolution of information technologies offers unique opportunities for optimizing operational processes, personalizing customer experiences, and expanding market reach. For tourism enterprises in the Cherkasy region, which holds significant potential for cultural, historical, and ecological tourism, the integration of digital tools can become a driving force for innovation and sustainable growth. This study aims to substantiate methodological approaches and practical tools for the digital transformation of tourism enterprises, focusing on strategies that foster resilience in a rapidly changing economic environment. By leveraging digital platforms, data analytics, and automation, tourism enterprises can streamline their decision-making processes, optimize resource management, and strengthen their market position both regionally and globally. At the same time, the research seeks to identify the unique challenges that hinder the implementation of digital technologies, such as limited financial resources, insufficient digital literacy, and infrastructure gaps. The article also highlights the need for collaboration between stakeholders, including public authorities, private businesses, and academic institutions, to create an ecosystem conducive to innovation. Emphasis is placed on the role of government policies and public-private partnerships in facilitating access to digital tools, promoting skill development, and encouraging investment in technological infrastructure. Moreover, the article contributes to the broader discourse on sustainable development by exploring how digitalization can enhance the ecological and cultural sustainability of the tourism sector. The application of digital technologies, such as virtual tours, augmented reality, and online marketing, not only improves customer engagement but also minimizes the environmental footprint of traditional tourism practices. These technologies enable enterprises to preserve the region’s unique cultural and natural heritage while creating value for local communities and stakeholders. In this context, digitalization is positioned as an integral factor in shaping the future of the tourism industry, ensuring its adaptability to global trends and its alignment with the principles of the modern digital economy. The research serves as part of a comprehensive study on managing the innovative development of tourism enterprises, systematizing scientific and practical foundations for effective decision-making in the era of digital transformation.
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