The article analyzes the features of the formation of communication skills during the study of professional disciplines among higher education students in the service and catering sectors. The specifics of the functioning of distance learning support systems are considered, which, due to martial law and the lack of power supply, do not lose their relevance. Innovative and traditional teaching methods that can be used during classes in professional disciplines for future specialists in the service and catering sectors are studied. The features of combining traditional and innovative methods in the learning process are outlined. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was scientific publications, works of domestic and foreign scientists on the methodology of training specialists in the service sector, and the use of various platforms for distance learning. The purpose of the presented work is to determine the optimal conditions for the formation of communication skills during the study of professional disciplines by applicants for higher education in the field of services and catering in terms of distance learning. The organization of effective distance learning, especially in conditions of lack of power supply, and often a stable Internet connection, requires teachers to apply fundamentally new approaches to both preparation for classes, methodology, and the content of disciplines. For this purpose, the most popular distance learning support systems, methods and technologies, the use of which can contribute to the acquisition of communication skills by applicants, are considered and proposed. The importance of applying new teaching approaches for the formation of students' communicative competence is substantiated. Further scientific research on teaching methods during distance learning is necessary for the effective organization of the educational process. The results of the study may be useful for scientists, teachers and applicants in the specialties «Tourism and Recreation», «Hotel and Restaurant Business», «Food Technologies».
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