Keywords: general and inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical and colloidal chemistry, organic chemistry, biological chemistry, competences


In-depth knowledge of chemistry constitutes the fundamental basis for the professional education of applicants enrolled in the educational programme 181 «Food Technologies». Contemporary food production is characterised by a significant modernisation of the food industry, a change in the nature and content of the work of food industry specialists, i.e. improvement of existing competitive food production technologies, introduction of new technologies and expansion of the range of food products. The discipline «Chemical Fundamentals of Food Technology» creates competences in the fields of research in biochemistry, inorganic, organic, analytical, physical and colloidal chemistry, as well as providing analytical skills. This combination of chemistry types forms the basis of technical disciplines, including technologies for the storage and processing of grain, bread, macaroni products and confectionery, milk and dairy products, meat products and fish, alcohol and alcoholic beverages, malt, beer, wine and soft drinks, fats, fat substitutes and fruit and vegetable preservation, sugar production and polysaccharides. Training future food industry technologists is one of the ways to meet the requirements of modern society. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the study of chemical disciplines in the system of professional training of students. This determined the main objective of our study: to theoretically substantiate and develop a methodology for the formation of professionally oriented skills of future food technologists in the process of studying technical disciplines in the context of integration of fundamental and professional training. The educational principles of constructing the content of the discipline «Chemical bases of food technologies», corresponding to the professional direction, have been developed. The normative content of the bachelor's degree programme «Food Technology and Engineering» is formulated in terms of learning outcomes. It has been proved that the professional orientation of teaching chemical disciplines changes the attitude of a higher education student towards practical and theoretical training, helping him/her to identify the dependence of theoretical issues of the course on his/her future professional activity in the food industry, becoming a food industry specialist.


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Osypenkova, I., Kurylenko, Y., Chepurna, O., & Lizanets, Y. (2025). THE ROLE AND PLACE OF THE DISCIPLINE “CHEMICAL BASES OF FOOD TECHNOLOGY” IN THE TRAINING OF STUDENTS MAJORING IN “FOOD TECHNOLOGY”. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (15), 22-26.