The article presents an analysis of the meat products market and the prospects for its development. The meat industry in Ukraine has enormous potential and, as the most promising and attractive, will occupy a dominant place in the structure of the domestic food industry in the coming years. The Ukrainian market for meat and meat products is directly related to the assessment of the state of raw material supply for the meat processing industry. The dynamics of the development of the livestock industry are presented, it is established that this industry is losing its achieved positions every year, reducing the livestock population and, accordingly, the volume of meat production. Since the 2000s, the dynamics of the reduction of cattle and pigs has continued. The only industry in which there is an increase in production volumes is poultry farming. Changes in the dynamics of raising livestock have caused changes in the volumes and structure of meat production by main species. It is determined that the decrease in meat production due to economic, environmental and resource constraints poses the task of developing effective methods of processing raw materials for the domestic food industry. The production of meat pastes is becoming especially relevant, as it allows for the rational use of available meat raw materials, including offal, and the production of products with high nutritional value at minimal cost. The Ukrainian market for canned meat and pastes is largely determined by trends in the meat market, which today demonstrates a significant reduction due to the influence of negative internal factors, among which it is worth highlighting: the destruction of farms as a result of Russia's military invasion of Ukraine, a decrease in the volume of cattle and pig breeding, the deterioration of the epizootic situation in the country due to the spread of African swine fever (ASF), the increase in the cost of feed, low profitability of farm businesses, the lack of effective state programs to support them, etc. The advantages of pâté production in the conditions of a rapid decline in meat production in Ukraine are outlined, including the argument of economic accessibility for consumers, flexibility of composition and technology in production, consumer demand, prospects for innovative, technological development, and economic efficiency and the advantage of exporting domestic products to international markets.
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