Keywords: multinutrient functional drink, post-traumatic stress disorder, sea buckthorn, flax, lemon balm


Unlike ordinary stress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD ) haunts a person throughout his or her life, often occurring or worsening his or her psycho-emotional state even many years after the event. That is, it manifests itself as a long-term reaction to stress, at least four weeks after the traumatic event. The treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder includes psychotherapeutic approaches, medication and nutrition, as poor nutrition can worsen the course of post-traumatic stress syndrome. The article proposes the creation of a multinutrient functional drink based on plant materials to enhance the treatment of PTSD, since stress can affect the body's use of calories and nutrients in various ways. It increases the body's metabolic needs and increases the use and excretion of many nutrients. If a person does not follow a nutritious diet, nutrient deficiencies can occur. To ensure a complete and balanced diet with therapeutic and health functions, each person's diet should contain about 600 nutrients. A significant amount of such substances is contained in natural plant materials: vegetables, fruits, medicinal plants, cereals. The article analyses which components are most necessary for the restoration of the human nervous system Based on an analytical review of the content of nutrients in food, the use of plant materials in the creation of multinutrient functional drinks is substantiated. The formulation composition of this multinutrient functional drink was developed using apple, orange and sea buckthorn juice. As a result of the development of the formulation composition of the prototype, the biological value of a multinutrient functional drink based on plant materials was theoretically determined by the raw materials. To carry out an organoleptic evaluation of the taste of the new drink, a tasting was conducted for the respondents, where they were asked to evaluate the samples by the intensity of sour, sweet, salty, bitter and astringent tastes.


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How to Cite
Kurylenko, Y., Sukhenko, V., Andronovych, H., & Kurakin, O. (2024). MULINURIENT FUNCTIONAL DRINK. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (4 (14), 25-30.