Keywords: business planning, hotel and restaurant business, investments, hospitality industry, management, tourism


Globalization processes in the world's economies, crisis phenomena and certain instability in the business environment of various segmental units of the business environment have necessitated the search for and development of stabilization solutions to promote the development and recovery of a number of industries, individual business entities, etc. The purpose of the article is to consider and formulate the conceptual foundations of a systematic approach to business planning on the example of enterprises in the tourism and hotel and restaurant business. General scientific methods were used, including descriptive, comparative, systemic, structural and logical analysis. Also, graphical methods were used to visualize the results of the study. The article systematizes the theoretical framework and methodological developments related to the conceptual foundations of business planning in tourism and hotel and restaurant industry. The article presents an analysis of theoretical and methodological developments regarding the terminology and essential characteristics of the basic categories related to business planning at enterprises, in particular in Ukraine. The results of the study confirm the impact of an existing business plan, which is feasible for implementation in the current economic environment, even in times of crisis and uncertainty, on improving the efficiency of tourism and hotel and restaurant businesses. The author considers various proposals on the structure of a business plan and the algorithm of its formation for different categories and types of activities. It is proposed to apply modern international business planning standards that are adapted to the tourism and hospitality industries and have proven to help optimize the efforts of entrepreneurs and stakeholders towards their competitiveness and the development of priority economic sectors. The features of domestic methodological approaches to the formation of structural components of a business plan at Ukrainian enterprises in modern economic conditions are studied in detail, and the importance of improving the business planning tools and its management function is determined. The materials of the study can be recommended to a wide range of potential organizers of tourism and hotel and restaurant business, specialists in the hospitality industry and services, as well as for scientists, teachers, students of higher education institutions studying tourism and hotel and restaurant business.


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How to Cite
Chepurda, L., Herman, I., & Kurakin, O. (2024). CONCEPTUAL PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS PLANNING IN TOURISM AND HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (12), 48-58.