Keywords: flour products, cruffins, puff pastry products, technology, low-temperature fermentation, durum wheat flour, pumpkin puree, turmeric


The article investigates the possibility of expanding the range of flour products of own production using the example of cruffins in the restaurant menu in order to increase the competitiveness of restaurants. Sfogliatella, puff muffins, croissants, cruffins are puff pastry products. They are popular among Ukrainian consumers. The purpose of the work is to expand the range of "comfort food" products in the menu, namely, cruffins of improved quality by using low-temperature dough fermentation; the use of a mixture of wheat flour of hard and soft varieties of wheat, pumpkin puree, turmeric; study of the effect of these additives on the parameters of dough and finished products. Standard methods are used to study the structural-mechanical and physic-chemical indicators of product quality. The article provides an overview of the scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on the research topic. Directions for enriching puff pastry products are shown. The technology of cruffins using low-temperature dough fermentation is described. The indicators of the quality of the input raw materials were studied. Model systems, according to which the research was carried out, are proposed. It was established that sample No. 4 (70%:29%:1% SWF:DWF:T), which was produced according to model system No. 1, had the best organoleptic indicators: a correct shape that fit to the shape of the product, a brown color without a burnt surface, pleasant taste and pronounced aroma. Fermentation of yeast dough at a temperature of 3-5 ºC for 18 hours made it possible to significantly improve the taste and aroma characteristics of the finished products. The addition of pumpkin puree of the "Vitaminny" variety to the recipe of cruffins is justified. The obtained results showed that the sample containing according to the recipe 70% soft wheat flour, 29% durum wheat flour, 1% turmeric and 15% pumpkin puree to replace butter has the best quality indicators. A further direction of research is to increase the competitiveness of restaurants by justifying the use of various types of local plant raw materials in the technologies of flour products in order to expand the products segment of own production in the menu.


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Sharma N., Kaur G. & Sharma S. (2022) Effect of turmeric powder, curcumin essential oil, and curcumin-loaded nanoemulsions on stability, total phenolic content, cooking quality, and cytotoxicity of pasta. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, no. 46. DOI: https://doi.org/1111/jfpp.16922

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How to Cite
Sheludko, V. (2024). EXPANSION THE RANGE OF OWN-PRODUCED FLOUR PRODUCTS AS A GUARANTEE OF RESTAURANT’S COMPETITIVENESS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (12), 34-40. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-4949.2(12).2024.5