Keywords: innovation, technology, hotel and restaurant business, automation, IoT, competitiveness, risk management


In the hotel and restaurant business, innovative technologies play a crucial role in improving the quality of service and optimizing management. First of all, the introduction of management information systems allows automating many routine processes, which frees up staff time for high-quality customer service. The purpose of the article is to identify the impact of innovative technologies on the efficiency and competitiveness of the hotel and restaurant business. It's worth noting that the use of IoT technologies makes it possible to create smart hotels, where lighting, air conditioning and other systems are controlled automatically depending on the conditions and preferences of customers. In addition, the use of artificial intelligence in the hotel and restaurant business allows analyzing data on consumers, their preferences and habits, which contributes to a more individualized service. The role of virtual reality and augmented reality in the hotel business is equally important. They allow customers to look at rooms and restaurants before they arrive and interact with facilities and services in a new environment. The study results confirm that the introduction of innovative technologies in the hotel and restaurant business contributes to a significant increase in customer satisfaction. Data analysis shows that process automation, the use of IoT technologies, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality speed up service, increase service personalization, and make the visitor experience more comfortable. The results of the study show that innovative technologies have great potential for transforming the hotel and restaurant business, improving the quality of service and ensuring customer satisfaction, which are important factors for success in this area. It is noted that innovative technologies in the hotel and restaurant business not only increase the efficiency of management and provide a more comfortable stay for customers, but also open up new opportunities for development and competitive advantage in the market. The author concludes that innovative technologies have the potential to transform the hotel and restaurant business, providing greater efficiency, improved quality of service and greater competitiveness.


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How to Cite
Vdovichena, O., & Palamarek, K. (2024). THE ROLE OF GLOBAL INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (12), 22-27.