Keywords: innovations, wine, grape and wine production, types of innovations, breeding and genetic innovations


Innovation activity in the wine industry is very important because by constantly implementing innovations, a winery can improve the quality of its products, increase productivity, reduce costs and remain competitive in the market. It is important for grape growing and winemaking businesses to invest in research and development to drive innovation and continuously improve their operations. The degree and importance of innovation may vary from business to business, but in general, it helps to improve the quality of wine, introduce new technologies into production and can help to attract the attention of consumers with unique products. Specific areas of innovation in the wine industry include the search for new grape varieties, improvement of production technologies, and the introduction of new methods of fermentation and storage. The article substantiates the need for a theoretical understanding of the leading role of innovation in the development of winemaking and analyses the concept of "innovation", in particular, as an introduction, as a result of creative activity, scientific research, as a process of development, practical implementation in winemaking. The stages of the innovation process are substantiated and presented in the form of a closed cycle. The article considers the innovation process as the main goal of the innovation activity of a grape and wine enterprise. Innovations in this area may involve the improvement of grape growing technologies, fermentation processes, bottling methods and marketing strategies. The article analyses the types of innovations, such as economic, social and environmental, organisational and managerial, production and technological, breeding and genetic, which include sustainable development, introduction of energy-efficient technologies and reduction of harmful substances, implementation of new management methods, development of effective strategies and changes in corporate culture, increase of productivity, product quality and reduction of production costs, selection of new varieties, hybrids with the aim of improving their yield, resistance to pests and diseases, or adaptation to the environment.


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How to Cite
Nahurna, N., Kurylenko, Y., & Osypenkova, I. (2024). INNOVATIVE ACTIVITY OF THE WINE INDUSTRY ENTERPRISE: DEGREE, SIGNIFICANCE AND DEVELOPMENT PECULIARITIES. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (12), 17-21.