Keywords: hotel and restaurant business, project management, hospitality services market trends, team management, project manager


The article examines modern project management trends in the hotel and restaurant business. It was determined that in order to effectively adapt to modern business conditions, it is worth using cloud technologies for storing information about the project, communications, as well as group work and generating ideas, which have become indispensable in design. Using this software, it will be possible to quickly collect useful data for monitoring, verification and decision-making by hotel and restaurant business project managers and team members in real time. It was determined that hotel and restaurant establishments are becoming more dependent on technology, which is why project managers are faced with the need to be able to work with more complex software products in order to be able to effectively control the entire work process in the project. But for many project managers, the lack of knowledge and experience in working with such systems can be an objective reason for refusing employment. The article also defines modern theories and tasks of project management: providing the necessary knowledge to employees of the hotel and restaurant business, promoting the improvement of the qualifications of these employees, as well as solving problems that require further study in order to develop a scientific base in project management. Several project management trends that are just beginning to appear in the hospitality services market and will have a great impact in the future were discussed in detail: data security, remote work, automation of project management, management of employees and their emotions, analysis of project data. The following aspects are also defined, which the project manager uses when analyzing data on the project of the hotel and restaurant industry. It was determined that in order to create a new establishment of the hotel and restaurant business, it is recommended to study in more detail the modern trends in the development of the hospitality services market not only in Ukraine, but also in the region where the establishment is located. It will also make it possible to determine the main competitors of hotel and restaurant projects.


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How to Cite
Postova, V. (2023). CURRENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT TRENDS IN THE HOTEL AND RESTAURANT BUSINESS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (9), 44-48.