Keywords: hotel and restaurant business, tourism, sustainable development, greening


The hospitality and tourism industry encompasses a wide range of businesses, including hotels, restaurants, resorts, and event venues, all of which offer services to travelers, tourists, and local residents. One of the biggest challenges facing the hospitality industry is its sustainability. The hotel, restaurant and tourism business is facing problems such as excessive use of resources and the impact of business on the environment, and its ecological footprint is growing. This prompts the need to move to an active search for environmental solutions and environmental practices as the main priorities for further activities. Environmental responsibility involves the preservation and restoration of natural resources and ecosystems. Modern society strives for harmonious relations with the environment. The results of a study of consumer attitudes and behavior towards environmental and climate change are presented. Sustainable hospitality business is defined as a key factor in the travel of the future. The economic justification of sustainable development reflects the financial benefits of greening the functioning of institutions. The factors that influence the sustainable environmental initiative of an institution are considered. In the hospitality industry, sustainable development practices include certification and accreditation, waste recycling, and the use of renewable energy sources. The article examines the main innovative programs and technologies for greening the activities of hotel and restaurant establishments (energy efficiency, renewable energy, biodiversity, water consumption, waste disposal, use of chemicals, and environmental sources). An environmental strategy is a fundamental element of environmental strategic management. The choice of an environmental strategy depends on the level of the enterprise's environmental potential and a number of other factors, and it will determine the ability to ensure its own environmental efficiency and corresponding effectiveness by reducing the potential risks of negative environmental impact. The article considers environmental strategies which reflect the range of environmental measures, in particular, modernization of services and products, ecological production, staff education, etc.


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How to Cite
Karolop, O., Zagnybida, R., Veres, K., & Loiak, L. (2025). SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN THE HOTEL, RESTAURANT AND TOURISM BUSINESS: STRATEGIC APPROACHES TO REDUCING THE ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (1 (15), 92-97.