Keywords: hotels, hospitality, motivation, material stimulation of personnel, tourism business enterprises, management principles, service sector, tourism


The article systematizes the theoretical base and methodological developments related to the determination of motivational factors and management principles of financial incentives for personnel of tourism business enterprises. The analysis of theoretical and methodological developments regarding the terminological base and essential characteristics of a number of definitions related to issues related to motivation and material stimulation of personnel of tourism business enterprises is presented. The purpose of the article is to consider and formulate, on the example of hotel enterprises, motivational factors and principles of management of material stimulation of personnel. Using the example of hotel enterprises, methods and forms of application of modern personnel motivation tools were studied. Analytical, statistical methods, methods of comparison, etc., were used during the scientific research. Based on the considered classification of forms of motivation, it is proved that material stimulation of personnel belongs to the most important form of motivation. For the distribution of the incentive fund, it is proposed to use the system of inter-position coefficients, which takes into account the contribution of each employee to the achievement of the target indicator in the economic activity of the enterprise. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of the application in the real conditions of running a tourist business in Ukraine of those principles of managing material incentives that do not contradict the requirements of the martial law in the country. The current state of the tourist services market, including hotel industry enterprises, has been studied in terms of staff turnover, salary levels and their dynamics over the past few years. Appropriate attention is paid to uncovering the essence of motivational factors for attracting more qualified personnel for hotel and restaurant business establishments. Appropriate measures have been proposed to reduce staff turnover in the field of tourism, hotel enterprises in particular, encouraging employment of graduates of higher educational institutions who have mastered, first of all, the specialty «Tourism» and «Hotel and Restaurant Business». The results of the research can be useful for workers in the field of tourism, hotel and restaurant business, and the service sector in general; scientists, teachers, students of higher educational institutions who master, in particular, the specialties «Tourism» and «Hotel and restaurant business».


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How to Cite
Herman, I. (2023). MOTIVATION FACTORS AND PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT OF MATERIAL STIMULATION OF STAFF OF TOURISM BUSINESS ENTERPRISES. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (4 (10), 19-26.