Keywords: excursion, quest tour, interactive tour, guide, convergence


The conventional methods of organizing excursions are being reshaped by factors such as technology advancements, changing traveler preferences, and innovative approaches to showcasing cultural and historical sites. By staying informed about emerging trends, regions can adapt their offerings to capitalize on new opportunities, potentially boosting economic growth and job creation. The article aims to highlight the changing preferences, interests, and demands of tourists, as well as advancements in technology and tourism management that are shaping the way excursions are developed, promoted, and experienced in the country. Modern specialists in excursion activities need to master the basics of psychology, which will contribute to the highly qualified organization of the excursion process, its optimal activation, the introduction of interesting forms of excursions and interactive methods of their conduct, and the maximum delivery of thematic information to each category of excursionists. Such forms of excursions as quest tours, in turn, help tourists to better memorize information and apply it in the future. the role of modern interactive tours is significant. Due to the convergence of entertainment and scientific and cognitive components, they give the younger generation in the usual form of activity (game, creative task, participation in theatricalization, etc.) the opportunity to improve their intellectual level through the emotional input of new information, the development of observation, the ability to perceive the beauty of the world around them; the ability to emotionally and practically contact the world around them, to receive convincing, vivid, visual answers to questions. At this time, not only natural curiosity is satisfied, but also the child's natural need for movement, a variety of activities, and games. The dynamic nature of the tourism industry necessitates a thorough investigation of the new trends in excursion formation in Ukraine. By comprehending these trends, stakeholders can enhance tourist experiences, drive economic growth, and safeguard cultural heritage. The relevance of this study extends beyond the realm of tourism, influencing various facets of societal and economic development in the country.


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How to Cite
Starynets, O., Shestel, O., & Matviichuk, L. (2023). NEW TRENDS IN THE FORMATION OF EXCURSIONS IN UKRAINE. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (9), 66-70.