The article is devoted to the study of the impact of innovations on the development of marketing technologies in the field of tourism. It has been studied that marketing is an integral component for the successful functioning of a tourist enterprise. An analysis of the latest research and publications related to marketing innovations in the tourism sector was carried out. The most popular today’s latest marketing technologies have been identified: analytics using artificial intelligence; use of chatbots; social media marketing; location-based technologies. It has been determined that marketing innovations in tourism affect promising directions of tourism development, improvement of existing tourism products, improvement of the image and competitiveness of tourism industry enterprises. When researching the latest marketing technologies, it was found that the problem of assessing the relevance of a certain marketing technology for a specific tourist enterprise remains unresolved. Simply put, there are no estimates of the potential advantages for an enterprise from the implementation of a certain marketing technology compared with others. The main goal of the study was to develop an assessment of the relevance of modern marketing technologies in the field of tourism, which would allow tourism enterprises to implement the most relevant new marketing technology in the first place. The classification of types of tourism is given depending on the purpose of the trip. The conducted analysis showed that the relevance of certain marketing technologies for the client may differ depending on the purpose of the trip. To solve the problem, a point-based method of assessing the relevance of existing marketing technologies was proposed, depending on the main purpose of the customer’s visit. This method allows tourism enterprises to evaluate the priority of various new marketing technologies and implement the most relevant one first. The results of the conducted research can be useful for workers in the field of tourism, hotel and restaurant business, scientists, teachers and students of higher educational institutions, etc.
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