Keywords: restaurant business, restaurant establishment, visual effect, corporate style, brand, top-of-mind awareness


The article contains research of the theoretical aspects of corporate style development at restaurant enterprises. Corporate style is a determining factor in the successful development of an enterprise. The majority of scientists emphasize that a well-formed corporate style affects the formation of the image component of the restaurant business and affects the attitude of consumers towards this establishment in general. The modern market of restaurant services is characterized by the fact that the market is oversaturated with a large number of restaurant establishments that provide similar restaurant services and sell similar restaurant products. As a result, for consumers, when choosing a restaurant, aesthetic satisfaction from a visit comes to the fore. The essence of corporate style is defined as an important element of brand formation of a restaurant establishment. It is emphasized that every enterprise of the restaurant business in modern business conditions tries to form a exceptional, unique corporate style and consider the specifics of their activities and the range of services. The purpose of writing this research is to study the algorithm of corporate style formation at restaurant business enterprises. A methodical toolkit for evaluating a qualitatively formed corporate style from the standpoint of increasing recognition and trust in the restaurant establishment is determined. The development of corporate style in its various forms in combination with the high quality of restaurant products and services will contribute to the formation of increased interest among potential consumers and the formation of the establishment's brand as a whole. Every year it becomes more and more complicated to develop unique and exceptional style for each type of restaurant industry, but consumers are ready to pay for this uniqueness and uniqueness. That is why the development of corporate identity requires innovative solutions and constant improvement in order to remain an effective means of solving strategic marketing tasks.


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How to Cite
Mazurkevych, I. (2023). FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMPANY STYLE OF RESTAURANT ESTABLISHMENTS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (9), 33-37. https://doi.org/10.32782/2708-4949.3(9).2023.5