Keywords: nutritional value, gluten-free bread, green buckwheat groats, quinoa and sesame seeds, walnut, dietary fibers of hemp, pumpkin


The culture of bread consumption throughout the world plays a decisive role in the history of civilization, nutrition since the development of agriculture. Although the aroma and taste of bakery products continue to satisfy most people, some consumers have a specific need for a gluten-free diet. In order to improve the quality of life of the population from the point of view of diet, experts in the food industry and restaurants are striving to develop high-quality gluten-free bread. Therefore, there is a need for new gluten-free ingredients for bakery products. The creation of the newest types of yeast-free gluten-free bread was achieved by targeted optimization of the chemical composition of bakery products by replacing rye and wheat flour of the first grade with gluten-free vegetable raw materials: green buckwheat groats, sesame and quinoa seeds, hemp and pumpkin dietary fibers, walnuts. To meet the growing demand of consumers for gluten-free products made from high-quality and natural products, yeast-free gluten-free buckwheat bread with quinoa and sesame seeds was developed: with walnut; with dietary hemp fibers; with pumpkin dietary fiber. The nutritional value of yeast-free gluten-free types of bread was determined: buckwheat with quinoa, sesame and walnut; buckwheat with quinoa, sesame and hemp dietary fibers; buckwheat without yeast with quinoa, sesame and pumpkin dietary fiber. Experimental studies proved an increase in the content of proteins by 1.60 - 2.09 times, dietary fibers by 3.10•102 - 1.25•10³, minerals (K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn), vitamins (B1, E, PP) in the composition of the developed types of bread compared to the control sample. Thus, yeast-free types of bread from the use of gluten-free vegetable raw materials have an improved nutritional value of the products and can provide from 25.37% to 27.47% of the body's daily energy needs, which allows us to recommend them for implementation in the food industry and restaurant industry for the sick population for celiac disease and in the daily diet of all segments of the population for healthy nutrition.


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How to Cite
Vaskivska, A., & Peresichna, S. (2023). NUTRITIONAL VALUE OF YEAST-FREE GLUTEN-FREE BREAD. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (3 (9), 5-12.