Food products of the new generation are products with a balanced composition and ratio of biologically valuable nutrients that contribute to maintaining health, increasing the body's resistance to stress and adverse environmental effects. Therefore, at present, the development of innovative technologies of emulsion-based healthy food products is based on the use of traditional and non-traditional raw materials with a high content of biologically and physiologically valuable substances, which allow obtaining food products with ingredients that have a directed effect on certain organs and systems of the human body. The main goal of the research is to develop a recipe and technology for obtaining mayonnaise sauces, with a given particle size of the dispersion phase, resistant to thermal oxidation, using a stabilizer of natural origin and adding vegetable raw materials to give functional properties to the product. The article presents the results of marketing research on the consumption of mayonnaise products by the population. Based on the results of the survey, it was determined that more than 59% of respondents prefer products made with the use of safe natural components, structure formers, emulsifiers and flavoring additives in particular. In order to enrich mayonnaise sauces with useful substances of plant origin and improve their organoleptic properties, it is suggested to use stinging nettle in the recipe of sauces. It is proposed to use flax flour as a stabilizer and emulsifier of natural origin in the production of mayonnaise sauces. The introduction of flax flour into mayonnaise compositions will allow influencing the mechanisms of formation and stabilization of fat-water emulsions, changing their viscosity, and increasing resistance to thermal oxidation. The results of the conducted research allow us to draw conclusions about the possibility and expediency of using flax flour and stinging nettle in the technology of mayonnaise sauces. A comprehensive evaluation of the obtained mayonnaise sauce, in particular, a study of the organoleptic characteristics of the samples, showed an improvement in the values of individual indicators, which makes it possible to draw conclusions about the competitiveness of the developed recipe composition.
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