The article examines and analyzes the research status of craft cheese production in Ukraine. The main goal of the research is to identify and analyze the main problems faced by the modern production of domestic craft cheeses, and to propose possible ways to solve them. The issue of building work during the crisis and recovery after it is relevant today for the development of craft cheese production. In the course of scientific research on the production of craft cheeses, informative and analytical methods, methods of comparison, generalization, synthesis, etc. were used. Scientific publications and works of domestic scientists on cheese production became the theoretical and methodological basis of this study. High-quality environmentally friendly products are always of interest to consumers, so craft cheeses are becoming more and more popular and in demand. Until February 2022, the number of producers of craft cheese in Ukraine grew annually, which indicates the prospects of this direction of production. As a result of hostilities over the past year, a significant number of producers have ceased their activities, but those who remained on the market are successfully developing, which also characterizes craft cheese production as a profitable business. The article contains information about the price policy of the most successful cheese makers, requirements for the quality of raw materials and production conditions, and characteristics of cheese making equipment. The article summarizes considerations regarding the future development of cheese restaurants at craft factories and mini-production of cheese in restaurants as an additional segment of the sales market: a model of interaction between producers of ecologically clean craft cheese and restaurants has been developed. It was concluded that supporting small businesses is quite important, even because mini-productions support many other spheres of activity. Further scientific research into the production of craft cheeses will help bring the restaurant business to a new level of development. The results of the study can be useful for employees of the restaurant business, scientists, teachers and students of the specialty «Hotel and restaurant business» and «Food technology (in the restaurant business)».
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