Keywords: hospitality industry, economics of the hospitality industry, UNWTO, tourism, post-conflict tourism


The tourism industry is one of the important components of the world economy, accounting for about 7% of international trade. According to the World Tourism Organization, every tenth job in the world is indirectly created by tourism. The purpose of the study is to summarize the current trends in the development of the tourism industry in Ukraine and the world in order to systematize the factors that negatively affect the tourism industry and develop measures to implement the "post-conflict tourism" program in Ukraine. The analysis of modern trends in the development of the tourism industry shows that, starting from 2020, tourism enterprises were constantly under negative pressure from external factors. Thus, the measures aimed at overcoming the consequences of the COVID-2019 pandemic, which have now complicated the processes of moving citizens both within the country and the possibility of international tourism, have caused significant damage to the development of the tourism business in the world. due to the introduction of significant "covid" restrictions on the movement of citizens between countries. Thus, as a result of the policy of limiting possible travel to the countries of the European Union, the United States, the Middle and Far East during 2020-2022, the tourism sphere of many tourist regions suffered significant losses. According to UNWTO estimates, measures to overcome the 2019 COVID-2019 pandemic in 2020-2021 led to a significant drop in international tourism volumes (60%-80%), as well as a decrease in revenues from the export of tourism services amounted to approximately 910 billion - 1.2 trillion dollars USA. In the study, actual measures for the restoration of the tourism industry were proposed, taking into account the experience of countries where military conflicts took place, and appropriate measures were developed for the restoration of tourism in the post-conflict period. The international experience of the functioning of the tourism industry in the post-conflict period is systematized and measures are proposed to restore the domestic tourism sector in the post-war period.


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How to Cite
Nestoryshen, I., & Prokopets, Y. (2023). ECONOMICS OF THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY IN MODERN CONDITIONS: INTERNATIONAL AND DOMESTIC TRENDS. Innovations and Technologies in the Service Sphere and Food Industry, (2 (8), 20-26.